Before You Begin

Before you can join your Astroneer server, please follow these steps to address a compatibility issue:

  1. First-Time Setup for Astroneer Ensure you have completed the initial setup for Astroneer.

  2. Navigate to Configuration Directory

    • Open File Explorer and go to: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Astro\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

  3. Edit Engine Configuration File

    • Locate Engine.ini in the folder.
    • Right-click on Engine.ini and choose to open it with a text editor.

  4. Insert Configuration

    • Scroll to the bottom of the Engine.ini file and add the following lines:
      [SystemSettings] net.AllowEncryption=False
  5. Save Changes

    • Save the Engine.ini file after adding the above lines.

  6. Join Your Server

    • You should now be able to join your Astroneer server without issues.
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